Farrah is now 6.5 weeks. We are sort-of in a schedule around here, or at least some level of normalcy or something that doesn't look like total chaos :) Around 4 weeks, I quit waking her every 3 hours at night like the doctor wanted. I could tell she was putting on weight - and who wants to wake a sleeping baby when the mama is so darn tired too?? She's now just waking up once (around 3-4 AM I think - I'm too half asleep to remember!) and sleeping like a champ. I haven't been brave enough to put her in the room with Bella yet. I'm still so tired and sleeping so heavy, I guess I'm worried I wouldn't hear her. And that would result in screaming and feeling bad that I didn't hear her, or waking Bella up. So, I'd rather wait a bit longer.
Farrah is starting to smile - which totally melts my heart. It's so fun to catch these (usually right after she's eaten, or when I come back in the room from being away from her.) She also already loves watching her big sister and gives her some gummy grins, too. She's just starting this past week to really watch mobiles and toys hanging above her. She's generally a content baby, although we have had MAJOR fussy time around the dinner hours for about 4 nights this week. My guess is a little gas/ and just being tired from the day. But wow, there is nothing like a screaming baby and when nothing seems to work. I did a little research, and found (online :)) that feeding them (even if it's not "time" to eat), helps move the gas along. That seemed to work tonight. So that is good. ANYTHING to keep that red-faced scream at bay :)
Bella continues to LOVE her baby sister. This afternoon, I took Bella out to Kroger for a few things. She told everyone we passed that she had a baby sister. And Farrah wasn't even with us. She is a proud sister!! She LOVES giving baby kisses, and basically repeating ALL things I say:
"It's ok, baby"
"Baby sister is so cute!!!"
"All better" (sounds like "All Butter")
"Calm down, baby"
And then adds in a few of her own lines:
"Baby, quiet!"
Bella is seriously a little parrot, a little mini-me.
She's talking in complete sentences, non-stop, these days. There's not much she can't say. If I need a compliment, all I have to say is "Bella is pretty" and she'll say, "Mama's pretty!" It's great. Great on days when I haven't brushed my teeth, taken a shower or even looked in the mirror. Some of my other favorites are "Bella's cute" "Bella's Funny" "Bella's Silly" "Bella's Crazy" and my favorite, "Bella's Hot".
Don't hate.
Let's see? What else can I ramble about?
Oh yeah, Chris and I are doing Buckhead Church's 21 day fast. I am fasting from Twitter and Facebook and Words with Friends. (If you don't know what the last thing is on the iPhone, don't ask. It's addictive). We are both fasting from TV. And we're only drinking water and coffee (sounds silly, but we don't drink a lot of coffee around here, and when we need it... we need it :) The point is to spend time in prayer, and I knew Twitter and TV in particular are things I waste TOO much time on.
We are also going to start the 30 day shred... any day now.....
Oh, and I am going to take some dance classes at Dance 411. I love dancing, and keep telling myself to do this. Well, I am doing it. No more time to put things off that I love.
My days mostly just consist of taking care of two precious girls. And feedings, lot of those. But I know these days will go by so fast so I truly do live in that thought everyday, and just enjoy them. Love being a mom. I am just trying to remember I can't do EVERYTHING. So, my house is a wreck. But who am I kidding, it always has been :)
Ok, enough rambling for now. I have some videos to post. Bella and I have frequent "Dance Parties" in the house. Three of my favorite songs are "Forever" by Chris Brown, "Singles Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", and "Down" by Jay Sean. I know, great songs, huh? Along with still singing "Go Tell it on a Mountain" Bella will sing a little "Down". Oh, and she's learned "Boom, Boom, Pow" at school. haha. Videos to come.
Oh! And two questions for you:
1) What did you do for your gassy/fussy baby during that stage? I know different things work for different babies - but love to know what you did.
2) What ideas do you have for activities in the house when it's so cold outside??? I can't watch anymore Wiggles or I might poke out my eyes.