Here is Hallie's memorial from January 7th - for those of you who could not attend and for those of you who want to hear the awesome music from our friends again.
So many emotions come in seeing this for me -- the service was just so nice and was such a good healing thing. I love ALL of the music and I will treasure the video at the beginning forever. But it also makes me miss Hallie - seeing her move around and in my arms. It was so real when she was here and it feels so weird to be moving on - day by day, week by week without her.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of those who helped make this service so excellent for us. It means so much.
Oh, little Green family ... I am a stranger to you. I accidentally happened upon a page of someone else I don't know who had made a comment on your facebook page about Hallie.
Curiosity got the best of and I had to go so who Hallie was. My goodness ... the busiest five day old I've ever heard of.
I am a 38 year old Christian wife and mother of two in Grand Junction, CO, and your faith and the amazing life of your Hallie has touched me.
I will begin praying for your family. May the peace and comfort only He can give wrap around you with His loving arms. Thank you for your bravery and thoughtfulness to share Hallie's amazing story and your amazing faith and hope in our Savior.
God bless you all.
I loved that you posted this for those of us who could not be there. Was such a wonderful service and to hear your love for her was just beautiful. Love you guys, H
So awesome! Your family is amazing and so blessed to have God shine so bright through you. What an awesome experience its been to read and watch your steps through this time. God picked a wonderful family to minister to others.
Oh my goodness. How humbled I am to get to watch that. Incredible. Thank you for sharing it. I am continuing to keep you guys in my prayers and know without a doubt heaven is an even sweeter place because of Hallie. Because of her and you guys I am a better Mom, I hold Ramsey a little tighter, and know for sure that God has us all in his hands. Hallalujah!
thanks for sharing this...your story has truly changed me.
I don't think that I will every sing the word Hallelujah again without thinking of your precious little girl. And you! Christ shines through all of you and He has brought glory to Himself through your sweet daughter. What a testimony to His deep love for all of us. Andy is have strengthened and deepened my faith in Christ. I know that the Lord will continue to hold you close in the days, months and years ahead. Thank you for sharing your Hallie with us. I pray that her life continues to lead people to her heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus. Can't wait to meet her some day!!! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you, Green family, for sharing your story. The memorial service for your sweet Hallie was beautiful. Your strength through Christ give my husband and I great courage as we plan for our baby, Simon Adam, a Trisomy 13 baby due between now and June 7, 2014. God is wrapping his loving arms around us. We feel joy and grief at the same time and continue to ask our Savior to lead us through this storm. God bless you.
In Christ, Amy Balentine
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