One thing I have not yet shared here is that baby Green is a GIRL! Not quite the way we planned on finding out (we were going to be surprised at birth this time around!) but after getting the news, we wanted to know. We feel a little more close to her in that way now. We can pray for her even more personally. It was tough to know as well, because you know how much I love my little girls :)
The hard part (or A hard part) for me right now is the not knowing how long I will carry her ... the anxiety and questions can drive you nuts. I worry that as time goes on, the anxiety will get worse & not better. My stomach is starting to poke. I am sure soon I will start feeling her kicks. At that point, I will no doubt want to meet her - if only for a brief moment in time.
I have to remind myself: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
So I also find that keeping myself busy is good. We loved getting away to the beach last weekend with my brother Ryan and sister-in-law Melissa and her mom and stepdad (Amanda and Doug). And we had a super filled weekend for the 4th of July. Thankful for that.

A crazy thing is that I have followed a FEW blogs in the last 3 years with moms (and dads) writing about this VERY thing - Trisomy 13 or 18. I have read as women go through this. I would weep. Why couldn't I just read blogs about decorating or organizing or something?? But I couldn't help feeling for them & wondering if I'd have the same strength. I've watched as others have gone through other heart breaking struggles. How did they get through this? I've always admired them, and been thankful for my healthy "uneventful" life. But it's never been a club I wished to join.
But I also know that in a strange way, seeing others go through this VERY thing has prepared me some - well, maybe not prepared... but given me a light at the end of the tunnel. Or a source to look back at. I know in my heart, it will be terrible - but we will get through it. But how do I also go through a trial being joyful? How will I possibly go through a whole pregnancy, knowing it won't have a "normal" outcome, and be joyful? That is something I want to learn all about. I'm not there yet. But I know MY God is not surprised by any of this. He already has this baby girl's days numbered as well as my own.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. – James 1:2-3
Here is our specific prayer right now, and we'd love for you to join with us:
God, give us more hours of joy than pain. Allow us to turn the corner of sorrow, to celebration. Cause us to see her as a gift. And allow us to cherish every moment she’s with us. Change our hearts.
om my Katie. I will surely pray that prayer. I am thinking of you guys. I know baby #3 is part of the plan and he picked you to be the mom for a reason. Even if the reason is not yet apparent. Thinking of you and sending peaceful thoughts your way.
Praying that prayer with you today. Love you both.
Since last week I've been asking "What should I be praying for?". God's will? A miracle? Your prayer is perfect. I am also thankful for all the emails & calls that have given me strength. But also knowing & seeing Chris's & your faith in action makes me proud. I will pray this prayer with y'all each day. I can't wait to see what God has planned not only for the little Green family but for all of us as we each go through this journey together.
you are wise katie. He is with you. and has you right in the palm of his hand.
have no fear. He is strong to deliver. mighty to save.
praying. praying.
Thank you for posting that prayer, Katie, because I've honestly been searching myself for how to pray. But pray we have been, and praying we will be. We pray for you as a family, in fact, every night. Love you guys!
Oh Katie I'm just sitting here crying for you and Chris. My heart aches for you. How beautiful it is to read this and see your heart and what you and Chris are learning and feeling. We will definitely join you in this prayer. We love you both.
Thinking of you and your family, Katie.
The Green Family is in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. You all are a strong unit and will get through this.
I've been away from reading blogs for about 6 weeks...and I just read find out you were expecting and then find out the 1 in 10, words here...just praying...
Praying for you! I have always clinged to Jeremiah 29:11 in tough times! Those words are so encouraging to me! I pray that you feel God in all of this and that he will bring peace and comfort to your little family!
Just now getting to comment but I read this earlier in the week and have been praying what you wrote. Keep those to hear what you guys are praying so that I can join you.
Katie. My husband and I were also told just 3 weeks ago that our baby girl has Trisomy 13. We were told all the same things you described and I have so many of the same feelings you described. Like you said -How do you bear the days of carrying this sweet angel with the knowledge that this could be the last day? It's unbelievably tough. I am so encouraged by your faith. My husband is a pastor and we have been living this out in front of our church family (who have been amazingly supportive). I know our little girl's life has already changed lives in our congregation and in our families. It's such a blessing to know that she isn't even born into this world yet and she's already impacting so many lives so greatly. You are a beautiful family! I will pray for you as I pray for my own little girl. Keep your chin up. I know for us, the emotions are like a roller coaster and somedays it's easy to lean on your faith and trust God. Then somedays it feels like faith and hope are slipping away. I know I should start my own blog, but the little I write on FaceBook is exhausting enough for me. Keep writing b/c it is so encouraging. -Miranda Oldham
Katie....My family and i are praying for you and your family!!!! Sending you peaceful calming thoughts and asking God for help......Hang in there.....
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