Not sure. ha!
Actually... we have a big change coming up! We are MOVING! In TWO weeks! :-0
Chris and I had some
friends who were looking for a house in our neighborhood to rent. He asked us to be on the lookout. When Chris and I spoke about it, we immediately were like, "Well, we're the size house they are looking for. Nahhhhh... that would be crazy to move in a month... do you think they'd want to?" And... it all worked out.
So, we'll be moving to our hometown for a bit, with my parents!
Why, you ask? Well, we needed a change. We hadn't planned on being in Grant Park for 6 years. We want to save some $, and figure out where we want to be next. We wouldn't have necessarily rented to just anyone... and it just all worked out. So, why not, right? You only live once... haaaa!
We are excited. One drawback is Chris' commute will be a bit longer. But overall, I am really looking forward to a change, and free babysitting after the kids go to sleep :)
Sooooo... if you are in L'ville, hit us up! :)
We are busy finishing up projects that hadn't been done (tiling the laundry room, cleaning up the backyard from the room addition debris, painting trim in the playroom, etc.) All things that we are like, "Why hadn't we done this before so we could enjoy it more?" ha!
We haven't taken many pictures lately (because all we have done are projects, work, pack and sleep!) But I have tons of cute iPhone pics I want to post... eventually! Farrah just had her two top teeth pop thru last week! She's slept better since. She'll be 9 months this week, and a doc appt to go with that.
Bella continues to climb in bed with us in the middle of the night, pretty much every night. We are so asleep, we don't notice lots of times. She's learned the art of delaying what she needs to do (I'm hungry. I need to go potty.) And JUST in the last 2 weeks decided to rebel against the carseat and whines for what seems like an eternity after getting buckled in. (My back hurts! My back it hot! The straps are hurting me! My dress is hurting me! My panties are hurting me!?!) I've checked, nothing is hurting her. The air is on high. And she does this no matter who's car she is riding in. Any tips?? This can make running errands (especially more than one a day) painful!
They both are awesome, though. Didn't mean to rant. ha! But Farrah is taking the nap of a lifetime right now (2.5 hours as of now!) and I had a chance to blog. So, there you go... mind dump.
Until next time!