We were all so excited! There really is just something about the energy at Disney. We loaded up the double stroller with lunch, ponchos, CHRIS' CAMERA (duh), tons of snacks and two cuties and were on our way! We got there early and took the ferryboat over. Bella stood up at the railing and immediately went all pirate on us. "Arrrrrrggggg!" she said!
Farrah just sat and took it all in!
We're here!!
It was a great overcast morning (with just a few spinkles). We took a chance because they said 80% chance of rain - but I couldn't stand waiting another day to go! And we picked a great day.
We watched the 4D movie a couple of times! I loved watching the girls reach for things. They also loved getting to ride the carousel.
After lunch, we realized it would be best if we left to get some rest and come back for the evening festivities. Farrah fell asleep so quickly in the stroller, and all the way back to the car - then she was WIDE AWAKE! And Bella was all of a sudden, too. So we just came home and had downtime and cooled off. We then picked up dinner and headed back.
Right as we walked through the gate, the bottom fell out of the sky! But it was perfect timing - we got to go inside and see Cinderella, Belle and Sleeping Beauty. I didn't know how Farrah was going to react... but she was IN LOVE!!! They were both completely in awe. Farrah kept going back for second hugs.
Belle gave her a big smooch!
The weather delayed the parade about 20-30 minutes... but it did finally come! The girls were pretty antsy as we had to hold our places to watch. And it sprinkled just a bit again.
We then turned around and watched the fireworks show at the castle. Amazing!
We then rode Peter Pan, teacups and racecars again :) We wore the girls OUT!! It was only 10pm when we left, but it felt like 2am with kids. They were OUT so fast! Chris and I enjoyed a quiet ride back on the ferry.
It was a wonderful day. A great way to ring in my 32nd birthday. We loved being big kids with our kids. Here's to a great year!