As you probably know, Friday was "National Doughnut Day!" Friday night, we took off for Krispy Kreme on Ponce. Bella calls anything sweet a "cookie" and she loved the cookies from KK. Who doesn't??
And who doesn't love pig tails??

She also enjoyed feeding them to me...

I LOVE Krispy Kreme even more now!
YUMMY!!!!I think I'll have to go scout out a doughnut today...Thanks. Bella is so adorable.
I think I eat doughnuts twice at week at least. They are my favorite sweet treat. Got to love the fam trip to KK.
Matt sat in that same seat last time we were at the Krispy Kreme on Ponce and at 4 doughnuts out of our dozen before we could leave! I sure could go for a doughnut about now.
one of my "at"s should have been "ate"
You said you are in the stage where you look like you've eaten too many donuts. It just so happens it was true Friday! LOL! j/k! You gotta enjoy life!
Absolutely love the pig tails!!!! What a cutie! Cute parent pics too! No comment on the donuts...I try to forget they exist.
I share the love of KK! Good thing the closest one is 30+ miles away, although Kroger does have some fresh ones every now and then. :)
Doughnuts...a crucial part of Fine in '09.
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