Farrah was 21.4 lbs (50%) and 29.5" (75%).
Bella was 29 lbs (50%)and 37.5" (50%).
Both great health and good reports.
Farrah's molars are starting to come in. Glad the doctor could tell me that; she won't let me look back there!
Farrah got an oral vaccine and 3 shots and Bella got two shots. (Flu shot was included). Bella was being held and tried to bite the nurse! Not that she got close, but she was def leaning towards the nurse with her mouth open! It was her only defense. Probably the first time she's been fully aware that she was getting a shot. Poor thing. Farrah didn't like it either, of course, but was calmed quickly with a sucker. Bella didn't forget so quickly. I'm sure we'll be talking about it for the next month.
So thankful and blessed to have healthy kiddos.
For a fun reward, we went to Chick-fil-a after. They were giving free samples of the peppermint milkshake - a perfect size for two girls on their best behavior!
I don't know...Farrah still looks pretty ticked about that shot to me...I don't think she forgot so easily:)
Love their little milkshake cups. Yum! We've got our well visits coming up too - I love finding out their measurements, but the shots we all could do without. :)
BTW, LOVE the photo at the top of your blog right now. I love how lovingly Farrah is looking at Bella.
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