We're having fun with the snow... but most of the days we've probably been like most people and getting a little stir crazy.
Inside, I chase Farrah all day - she loves to climb!!! Today, I looked away and Bella (my good tattle tail) yells, "Farrah what are you doing up there?!?" And she was up on a little table knocking on the window glass. I think she wanted to go out. She has NO FEAR!
Bella and I went sledding today with the neighbors next door. They are super nice. They shared their sawed-off plastic slide with us that they used as a sled. Bella and I had a blast!
Then, before dinner, we played Snowman Bowling. Bella and Chris were SO into this. Like father, like daughter! This first video is a miss; then the second is where they have a strike! Don't call DFACS; she loved it. haha!
Then... to further our Parents of The Year Award, I loved watching Farrah walk in an over sized snowsuit. I was rolling on the ground laughing at this. Literally. But, I am their mom. You'll see a resemblance to Ralphie's brother...
OK, laughing at your kids' torture tonight has brought me such joy. Please keep it up.
These crazy Green Girls love the attention and excitement!!! Can't imagine where they got that from...
Hey what is parenthood without some good laughs??? These are so cute!
my favorite part is chris' laugh in the "snowman hit" video when he looks back at you. hilarious.
I am laughing out loud over here- so cute!
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