Saturday we went to our neighborhood Spring Fling, sponsored by the Parents Network (in the neighborhood). They were selling bagged lunches and homemade Popsicles from the Pop Shop - but every thing else was free! Egg hunts, the Easter Bunny, a jump house and a bubble machine. Our girls were in heaven.
We also saw so many families that we haven't seen since moving back. It was a fun day and led to great naps, too!
First was Farrah's age egg hunt.
I love how she holds her little basket.
Three eggs and she was satisfied.
Then Bella's.
She liked to stop and see what each one had in it.
And each time was just as thrilled as the last.
The Easter Bunny's tail was pulled quite a few times (by Bella), but she also picked him a handful of dandelions, so I think he forgave her.
They also got tattoo's which Farrah sounds so adorable saying!
Homemade Popsicles. I think mine was chocolate with ginger? It was spicy!
We also did a quick run to the playground. Farrah went down this slide by herself. We are not sure how she ended up in this position. But I don't think it felt good.
And... a couple of family shots :)
3 comments: much fun...really missed seeing you all last weekend...but this weekends coming.
what a beautiful post!! love you guys :)
Bella's hair looks SO pretty (and grown up!) in the pictures of her checking out what's inside the eggs. She needs to quit growing up so fast. And have I ever mentioned that your husband is on my blog-crush list? Him and Rachael's sisters new hubby (Weston) are totally my crushes haha
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