These pics are from last Friday. Look at these sweet sisters.
To be honest, this is how a lot of our pics are. Bella being sassy and Farrah won't make eye contact. Or the other way around. :)
Then we alternate visits to either the train or the carousel. Farrah loves to yell "TRAIN!" every time she hears it throughout the zoo. But as soon as it's time to get on, she does NOT like it (specifically the tunnel). But that is getting better.
We love this picture. She saw Bella swinging, and had to do it, too. I just love her hair!!
And we rode the carousel that day...
We love the zoo!
OH wait... I just found some more pics on my phone from a previous visit:
I told ya... they love these birds!
And... we get on the train and everything is fine...
Then the engine starts up and she loses it...
Random maybe, but her hair in that pic reminds me of a blonde version of ELVIS hair! HA! Love those big curls!!!
I love her hair too!
These pics are amazing - I have such camera envy (says the girl who rarley uses the SLR we have... My iPhone has ruined me. I would love to know what lens y'all use most often though...
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