Have they not grown like WEEDS!?!? Oh my goodness.
We've been busy. Like all of you, I'm sure. I try really hard not to be "busy" and let life go by so fast. But I guess that's just how life is with two little ones. And -- we're moving. So that doesn't make life stress-free. But we are blessed! Our house is selling and we are sad to leave the memories of this house. But excited to start new ones. We so enjoy this front porch - sprinkler time, watching the rain, and Chris and I rocking in the chairs after the girls go down. Actually, we just discovered that last one. Ha! We're like, why haven't we done this more?
Anyways... I am not sure how much I'll be able to keep up on here. I feel pulled in so many directions (pulled by the things I want to do - not outside stressors!) and the blog has become lower on the priorities. It's a mix of that, and not really knowing where to go with it. I don't want to be stressed by what to write, so I end up just not doing it. Truth is... I'd like time to just stand still sometimes. Moving on means I'm further away from my time with Hallie. I don't want to change my blog header. And I don't know how to write about grief because I don't ... know. It's just not a desire of my heart I guess. I do better dealing with it in other ways than writing.
Ok... I don't have a point in this post. I just thought it was time for an update and there ya go.
What we've been up to (besides ALL the aspects of selling a house and finding our next local):
Hanging with friends

Playing in the water, so ready for the pool! We are on a corner in our neighborhood and I'm pretty sure neighbors think we are nuts when they drive by.

"Crafts" as Bella calls them. Up the wazoooo :) My house is FULL of papers. And you better hope Bella never sees any of them in the trash or oh.my.goodness.

This one she drew and said, "Mom, this is God, this is Hallie, and this is the cross. Because Jesus died on the cross and Hallie is with God." Um, are you 4?!?
But you are right sweet girl. I love that Bella talks about Hallie daily. Farrah even has a baby doll named Hallie.

I did my first Sip and Strokes. I'm NO artist, but it was so fun!!!


And we've spent a lot of time and effort getting back in shape. I have to brag on my hubby, he looks awesome! We've been interested in going gluten free for a bit, and after some reading we jumped on it. Look at the WheatBellyBlog if you are at all interested. It was hard to adjust right at first, but its not all that bad after all! And we just feel better, it's amazing.

And I love my Zumba class. So much fun!!
Speaking of, we're planning a Zumbathon in Lawrenceville for July 21st for Hope From Hallie. If you are in town, we'd love to have you!! It's 2 hours of dancing and FUN!!! I will post more details here as it gets closer, as well as on FaceBook.
Hmmmm... I think that is it! A little of everything, right?
Anyways... I am not sure how much I'll be able to keep up on here. I feel pulled in so many directions (pulled by the things I want to do - not outside stressors!) and the blog has become lower on the priorities. It's a mix of that, and not really knowing where to go with it. I don't want to be stressed by what to write, so I end up just not doing it. Truth is... I'd like time to just stand still sometimes. Moving on means I'm further away from my time with Hallie. I don't want to change my blog header. And I don't know how to write about grief because I don't ... know. It's just not a desire of my heart I guess. I do better dealing with it in other ways than writing.
Ok... I don't have a point in this post. I just thought it was time for an update and there ya go.
What we've been up to (besides ALL the aspects of selling a house and finding our next local):
Hanging with friends
Playing in the water, so ready for the pool! We are on a corner in our neighborhood and I'm pretty sure neighbors think we are nuts when they drive by.
"Crafts" as Bella calls them. Up the wazoooo :) My house is FULL of papers. And you better hope Bella never sees any of them in the trash or oh.my.goodness.
This one she drew and said, "Mom, this is God, this is Hallie, and this is the cross. Because Jesus died on the cross and Hallie is with God." Um, are you 4?!?
But you are right sweet girl. I love that Bella talks about Hallie daily. Farrah even has a baby doll named Hallie.
I did my first Sip and Strokes. I'm NO artist, but it was so fun!!!
And we've spent a lot of time and effort getting back in shape. I have to brag on my hubby, he looks awesome! We've been interested in going gluten free for a bit, and after some reading we jumped on it. Look at the WheatBellyBlog if you are at all interested. It was hard to adjust right at first, but its not all that bad after all! And we just feel better, it's amazing.
And I love my Zumba class. So much fun!!
Speaking of, we're planning a Zumbathon in Lawrenceville for July 21st for Hope From Hallie. If you are in town, we'd love to have you!! It's 2 hours of dancing and FUN!!! I will post more details here as it gets closer, as well as on FaceBook.
Hmmmm... I think that is it! A little of everything, right?
Thanks for sharing! The girls are adorable. Good luck with your move. I'm looking forward to the Zumbathon. I'm putting it on my calendar right now!
Hi Katie. I've never commented before but enjoy reading your blog. My younger brother Michael, is married to Elizabeth Drucker, and I found your blog through her's. Your girls are beautiful, and I like comparing two girls two years apart to my two boys, who are two years apart. I'm coming out of the shadows today to tell you that I have been gluten free for more than 4 years. Changed my life - Fertility doctors couldn't get me pregnant but by going gluten free, I now have two boys. And feel better in so many different ways. If you ever need any recipes or tips where to buy yummy gluten free treats, let me know. Also, I LOVE Zumba. I live in Woodstock and go at least 5, sometimes 6, times a week. So I would love to take part in the Zumbathon and dance for Hallie. Count me in. Liz, if you are reading this, will you go with me?
your blog always leaves me with a big ol' smile. love you so much!
Holy cow. Gluten free is a HUGE committment and change. No wonder you look freaking amazing though! Was fun to see you ever-so-briefly today... would love to catch up for real one of these days.
Also, I'd be super sad if you gave up blogging, so I hope you don't. :) I love your mix of journaling your family's life and also sharing what's on your heart.
Hope you're enjoying life in your new place!
This is totally random, and I may be wrong, but I feel like I saw you at the YMCA this week. I should have spoken to you since you said you don't mind talking about Halle and your blog has touched me so. But then again, I am a stranger for crying out loud. Zumba (and try turbo kick if you haven't) are life changers. Wishing you peace as these milestones come and go. No one who "met" Halle, even just through reading about her, will forget her.
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