Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hallie Lynn Green - my beautiful daughter

Thank you so much for praying for us, loving us, feeding us and overwhelming us with support.

We want to let you know that Hallie went to be with Jesus this morning at 12:30am. She was peaceful and in my arms just as I had wanted. Our family was here and we are thankful for so many circumstances like that one that made this journey as good as it could be. We are heartbroken but so thankful for Hallie and every second we got with her. She knew nothing but love!!

Chris, the girls and I will be laying low for the next few days ahead as we rest, remember Hallie together and celebrate Christmas with changed hearts.

Thank you, God, for allowing me to be Hallie's mother. Although losing you, Hallie, is the hardest thing I've ever done, I would carry you and love you all over again in a heartbeat. I feel like the luckiest mom in the world. I love you.


Kelly Ford said...

I feel like for the first time in my life I've celebrated Christmas in a way that honored the Lord. I've been HONORED and BLESSED beyond measure to be a part of all of this for HAllie. Her precious life has changed mine and I am so eternally grateful that you and Chris chose to be obedient to the Lord and carry her for as long as God had for her to live.
We should all hope that our lives will changes others the way that Hallies has.

Jana A (@jana0926) said...

Oh, I'm so very sorry. My heart breaks with yours. I'm so glad, though, that the last breaths were peaceful and surrounded by family and those who love her. May peace wash over you in the days and weeks and months to come. From one mom of an angel to another... ((hugs))

Julie Tiemann said...

Hallie could not have been a more blessed baby. She was carried by the sweetest, gentlest mother in the world. She was welcomed to this earth by the most loving, faithful family. She spent nearly every minute of her life in the arms of someone who loved her unconditionally. And the first thing she ever saw was her Heavenly Father.

I praise Jesus for continuing His work in me and so many others through her life. We will all be forever changed now, not just by one Baby, but by two.

I love you, my friends. My prayers will only increase in the coming days. Hugs.

KatAp said...

Oh, Katie, I am so sorry. I have been praying that you would be with Hallie when the time came for her to go to Jesus' arms -- that you would get to hand her over to His loving care until you're there to love on her with our Savior. I am praying, and I am heartbroken with you. Your Hallie is a light that will continue to shine, and I am so grateful for her life and the love you and your wonderful family lavished on her. I am praying and praying and praying for your hearts.

Jared R. said...

Wow, we are praying for you and your whole family. Thank you so much for sharing this journey you have been on so openly with us all. These last few months have changed me and I know they have changed and effected others. We love you all!!

Joy Phenix said...

Loving you guys. Thanks for letting us be part of your story through prayers - tears - and Thanksgiving for your precious Hallie.

mckennah said...

Oh my sweet Katie. I am weeping with you. Although we all knew this time would come I can't imagine the pain of your loss.

My first thought for her was when she arrived in Heaven I think Jesus said to her: " we'll done my faithful servant".

Who else can say they brought so many people close to God in such a short period of time?

I love you so much my sweet sweet friend.

Us said...

I love you, Green family. Every one of you. My heart is overwhelmed...and quite honestly, at a loss...even attempting to fathom what you feel. My heart is with you, and may our prayers surround you. Im not one to 'speak' on behalf of God, but i know that our Heavenly Father is SO proud of you guys. You were chosen exactly for this purpose and you touched so many lives as a result. Sweet Hallie rests in the arms of Jesus now. Praise the Lord...she will never know the pain or suffering of this world. There will be no gift greater in all the world than the Hope that Hallie taught each of us this year. You are loved!

Alaric, Shanna, Nia, Maddux, and Jet Andrews

Dee Ann Wood said...

I feel blessed and honored to have been able to follow your incredible and wonderful journey with your perfect daughter Hallie. She did more in her short life than some of us will ever do in our lifetime. I love your beautiful family and pray that joy will surround your sorrow and pain. God Bless the whole Green and McIver family. Merry Christmas and God Bless you all

Angela said...

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers, God be with you all and thank you for sharing Haille with us even for a short time. She is an angel of God now.

Gale said...

I am blessed to have read your story, and Hallie was born for that reason, I believe. Look at all the people who are walking closer to the Lord because of that sweet little baby girl. She blessed hundreds...grateful!

Joy said...

Darling Katie,
Christmas will be celebrated differently for our family from now on. I am so grateful to the Father for giving you time with your precious baby girl. I think that you will forever be hearing about Hallie and the impact she is having on others. Her legacy is eternal. What a tremendous blessing and how fortunate for her that God chose you and Chris to be her parents.

Brenda Albright said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Hallie has touched more lives, changed more hearts, and brought so much focus on the Lord this Christmas season. Thank you for sharing her with the rest of us. You are loved!!

Bre Nash said...

Chris and Katie,
My family and I are continually to pray for each of you in the days ahead. I am so thankful that the Lord gave you so much time with your little girl. She has blessed us tremendously along with my children. Praying you feel the peace and love that only our God can give.
Briann(Green) Nash and family

Tracy Carson said...

To the Green Family, words really do not even express what I want to communicate to you and yet I want to tell you how touched I am by your story, how I truly prayed for you, Hallie and her sisters, and now as you mourn her death I will continue to do so. Thank you for being vulnerable, for sharing with strangers these past few days. Thank you for your honesty and how you shared her with us. I can't even begin to imagine a loss as great as yours. I am so sorry. May the God of all comfort do just that in these coming days especially. Love from Scottsdale, Arizona. Tracy Carson

Brittani Chu said...

I was a friend of Chelsie's in school and through Facebook I have been following your story. All I can say is "wow"- I have never seen such a testament to the Lord as in your family. I am not a mother yet but when I become one, I hope my husband and I can face all the joys and sorrows with the faithfulness in the Lord as you have.

I will continue to pray for your family as you work through this difficult time.

Julie Estes said...

Dear sweet Green family, we have been following your journey since some mutual friends posted about Hallie on facebook. We have been so moved, touched and encouraged by your authentic faith and willingness to be so vulnerable. Thank you for being willing to share your story so publicly and to shine so brightly for Him. Please know we are praying for you in the days to come- as you grieve the loss of Hallie while celebrating such a sweet little life that no doubt pointed others to the One she is celebrating Christmas with now. Praying that the Prince of Peace will cover you with the peace that passes all understanding in the days and weeks to come. Much love to all of you.

Meghan said...

I am sending you all my love, Katie! I know all too well how you are feeling and what it is like to hold an angel in your arms. I feel blessed to know you and your Hallie! Hallie, Quinn, and Annalise will all be looking down and smiling on their mommas now. We will see them again and next time it will be for eternity!
Good Bless!

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for you all! May God's grace cover you in a way that only He can! Many, many prayers covering you all!
Jenny Boyett & family

Anonymous said...

God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, and angels surround you spiritually and physically!
Love from another aunt of angel Jedidiah Joseph.
As when he passed, he was greeted and shown around heaven by little CJ Godhard so Jedidiah will show Hallie around and welcome her this Christmas Eve...

Anonymous said...

Three months ago I was in a wreck that I should not have survived. I thought I had learned to love life and to look at it as a gift then. However after reading about your wonderful Hallie and her story, I now look at life in a whole other way. You have never met me but I pray for your family every day and will continue to do so. Hallie has opened my eyes and I will be thankful of that until I get to meet her one day above...

Kathy Martin said...

Dear Katie and Chris . . . God certainly knew what He was doing when he blessed Hallie with the two of you as her parents. Though her time here on earth was short, she touched so many lives. I continue to pray for you all and hope God's grace washes over you just as your love washed over sweet Hallie during her incredible time with you. She only knew love during her lifetime and now she is being loved by her Heavenly Father, for all eternity! I will be saying a special prayer this Christmas Eve for your Angel Hallie. Merry Christmas to The (little) Green Family.

Beth Jacquin said...

Green family,

Heart broken for you but thankful for the lessons she taught all of us in such a short time.

In our prayers,

Brian Sinyard said...

God bless you all at this difficult time. Christmas will always have an even more special meaning for you now. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Brian Sinyard

Robin Liebe said...

Jesus' mother carried a baby whom she also gave back to God. You are a very special explanations or answers, just praying for moments of God's presence to reach deep into your hearts and souls.

Lindsey said...

There are no words to describe how much Hallie's story has affected me. I am heartbroken for you, and at the same time, rejoicing that she is with Jesus now. Thank you for sharing her with us, and please know that I and countless others will be praying for you and your family as you learn to live without her.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all. What a sweet blessing she is and what an awesome first Christmas she will have with Jesus.

Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful inspiring family....God has used you and the beautiful short amount of time that you got to spend with your amazing daughter to bless so many people....thank you so very much for sharing your time with Hallie with all of us. Hallie is your beautiful sweet angel watching over you and her sisters.
My prayers go out to you both and your girls....

Almighty Lord, continue to bless this beautiful family who love you and trust you...hold them and comfort them in your loving arms...pour your peace & comfort on to them Hallie in the day to day life and feel the love & happiness that she is feeling in heaven with you..thank you Lord for this beautiful family and the inspiration they are in the faith and their love.....
Lord, I pray for Hallie's big sisters....give them your understanding and peace and comfort...I pray lord the faith and love and understanding their parents have will overflow onto this precious girls...AMEN

elizabeth said...

Hallie, you made the world a brighter place.
Watch over your family with love- thank them for allowing hope to live in the world today.
Love and Hope. What great gifts you have given us Lord.
Hold the Green family ever close to your heart. Comfort them and fill them with warm Hallie memories when their spirits dip. And let them know that grief and faith can co-exist in their hearts.
Paul did not say "we do not grieve" but he did clarify "We do not grieve as those without hope."

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your family.

Jen Carrozza said...

Oh Katie- I can't help but weep. My mother's heart aches with you, but yet rejoices at the beauty of her blessing. You and Chris along with your sweet daughters have blessed so many by being open to share this incredibly difficult journey. I know Jesus is carrying you and speaking volumes about who He is through you. I'm so awestruck that you were brave enough to follow Jesus by carrying her. What a blessing to hold her and get to know her in this all too short week. I look forward to meeting her and my 'angel' one day! My, what a reunion that will be! Praying for you - peace to You all.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Hughes in Alabama said...

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you now. I,too, have been so very touched by Hallie's story. How blessed she was to have been born to you !

My prayers now are for you to feel all the love we have for you, and for you to feel the loving arms of Heavenly Father around you now and in the days to come.

Angie Vinez said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. Keeping your sweet family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing her with all of us.

Pamela said...

Katie and Chris...I'm sorry for your loss.She was and continues to be a blessing to us all , especially at this time of the year. Wow, God is amazing! Only He could have written this story! Please know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you as you go through this difficult time. Blessings and love!

Brad & Jiyoung said...

Love, love, love to your family. And then more love. Thankful Hallie knew nothing but love from an amazing mother, father and family.

Lisa said...

Katie and Chris, the tears are rolling down my face as I read your last post. I know that Hallie has changed your life and made an impact that will undoubtedly last forever. I pray that God will guide you through this time, and that your love for Hallie and your girls will always be a pillar of strength for you. My prayers are with you.
Lisa Redding

Laura Noell said...

Dear, dear Katie and Chris,
I have had you in my heart and prayers for so long. I will keep you all very close in my heart and prayers for many days, months, and years to come. Hallie will be missed, but God has one very special angel now.
Love to all of you,
Laura and Bill Noell

Two Dozen and Change said...

Your story is one of grace and courage. Your faith and strength are awe-inspiring. "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may find mercy and grace in time of need." Covering your sweet family in prayer now and in the days to come.

Lisa Thompson said...

Hallie was very blessed to have a loving family here on earth and now this precious girl is with our Father in heaven. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hope you also realize the number of people you brought together and I'm very thankful to you for reafirming my faith. Lots of love to your family.

Anonymous said...

Your story has touched me and my life. Thanks so much for sharing. God has already used hallie to touch so many lives and I pray that her (and your) story will continue to inspire. Praying for you and your family!!

Meg @ Keeping up with the Jenks' said...

Your faith and your Grace are beyond inspiring. Thank you for sharing your family with us. I am so sorry to hear of Hallie's passing today. I pray that God will continue to bring you Peace in your heart during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Chris and Katie, thank you so very much for allowing me to spend some time with you and your family Thursday evening. When I heard your story I felt moved to make sure the little Hallie, had a chance to visit with Santa along with her big sisters Bella and Farrah. Like many who have posted comments I too am blessed to have met all of you. At this special time of year you are all in my thoughts as I make my rounds this night. God has blessed you all with little Hallie and we are all richer for knowing you. Santa

eosley said...

Green Family, I am so moved by your unwavering faith & am praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for your family. I have been a mom for 10 months. I will be praying for your family. Hallie is up on heaven with Jesus. You will see her again.

mbehm said...

My heart hurts for your family. I'll be praying for strength and peace for both of you.

20 I will never forget this awful time,as I grieve over my loss.
21 Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

mbehm said...

that was Lamentations 3:20-23 above

Leah said...

Thank you guys for sharing your story - I can't even imagine living it, yet alone sharing it. I said to my husband today that I don't know understand God allows things like this to happen to innocent babies, yet he reminded me that Hallie is the one who is in our ultimate destination. She is the one rejoicing with Jesus today, but it's always hard to be the ones left behind. My heart aches for you, not an hour has gone by today that I haven't been brought to tears and prayer for your family as you grieve the loss of your precious Hallie. Thank you for sharing your story..and your girl. Continually praying.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for all of you. What an incredible blessing this little life was. She has blessed our family over the last few days. Even my little ones know her name...and because of her, His.

jpcasey said...

Green family,
I am friends with Kyle and Beth Schaub and she told me about your family. We too lost our little girl 2 years ago. She was 2 weeks. I know exactly what you are going through right now and my heart is breaking for you. No one should endure that pain. Your faith will get you through this and knowing how many lives Hallie has touched will change your life. People you don't even know... like me. Our prayers are with you. Hallie made a mark in this world. And she is beautiful. You are truely an inspiration to have such strength in a time like this. We are praying for you and your family. said...

Oh Katie, I am so sorry. Many of us have heard of your Hallie and prayed along the way. I think your lives exemplify this beautifully. "You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand-shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16 MSG)

Bmonty said...

What a beautiful little miracle that God blessed you with. She has made such a difference in so many lives. My heart aches for you as you are dealing with the loss of your little miracle, but what an amazing life she had from the time she was conceived until she took her last breath. She will now live for eternity with our heavenly father knowing her family will be with her in time!
God Bless

angela said...

so sorry to hear of your loss. I have been following Hallie since a friend of mine posted on fb about her birth. May Jehovah God be with your family during this time and may the knowing that one day you will see her again bring you some comfort.

Tamara Eaton said...

I can't even imagine the christmas eve celebration Hallie participated in today in glory! She heard for the first time the angels singing, "glory to God in the highest"! She saw for the first time the light and the majesty of her creator! May you hear and see these truths and may this be a comfort to you all. The Eaton family is faithfully praying for you all!!

Jen said...

I linked over to your blog through Jill Sullivan and wanted you to know you all will be in our prayers! This is our second Christmas without our sweet Lydia and though it hurts, I'm astounded to imagine her in heaven celebrating this day. May Jesus draw close to you all and give you His peace!

TabithaW said...

As a mother of 6 myself I have the deepest sympathy for u n your family at this rough time, I can't imagine what u r going threw.

Joanie said...

Precious Green Family, Thank you for allowing us to love Hallie with you. The Santa story was full of light and Goodness. I'm praying for you - I can't possibly understand your sorrow and loss; I only know that Little Hallie blessed more people in her days on this Earth than some people do in decades.

Jess said...

I'm a friend of friends from Buckhead (who moved) and I've been blessed to follow your journey through their fb posts. Thank you for sharing her life with so many people. She has such an amazing legacy of "experiencing only love". Wow, that's powerful in so many ways. How amazing that you gave her that gift! I pray you have peace as you grieve. said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

Katie, I am so very sorry that Hallie's life on earth was so brief. But as I have followed your journey, I have hoped you would hold her. And you beheld the face of the daughter God knit together in your womb. This scripture takes my breath. You and Chris are the Word tangible.
"You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." Matthew 5

Donna K McNorrill, Ed.S. said...

All of you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue down this difficult path. You are the bravest people that I have ever had the blessing "to meet." Hallie was so blessed to have you as her parents. After surviving Breast Cancer, I took a long look at my life and what was really important. I have to say your faith, courage, and love for Hallie and each other has made me realize that I have lost sight of the truly important things in life. Thank you for sharing your lives and Hallie's short, amazing, and inspiring life with me! Although she was only here for a short time she has touched so many lives and will continue to do so through the family she leaves behind. May God and his angels surround you with love, peace, and hope as you continue down this difficult path.

Maggie said...

I don't know if you remember me, but I went to North Georgia. I have been following your story, and like so many others, have been deeply touched. Your family is a true testimony to giving God the glory in all circumstances. I know it is always hard to have a loss around the holidays, but how special that God sent His Son at Christmas and He sent your family sweet Hallie! Will continue to pray for you during this difficult time. Many blessings,
Maggie Pierce Muschara

Becky Thames said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. May God continue to comfort you.

The Cord
We are connected,
My child and I, by
An invisible cord
Not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord
That connects us 'til birth
This cord can't been seen
By any on Earth.

This cord does it's work
Right from the start.
It binds us together
Attached to my heart.

I know that it's there
Though no one can see
The invisible cord
From my child to me.

The strength of this cord
Is hard to describe.
It can't be destroyed
It can't be denied.

It's stronger than any cord
Man could create
It withstands the test
Can hold any weight.

And though you are gone,
Though you're not here with me,
The cord is still there
But no one can see.

It pulls at my heart
I am bruised...I am sore,
But this cord is my lifeline
As never before.

I am thankful that God
Connects us this way
A mother and child
Death can't take it away!

Author Unknown

Living Life and Loving It said...

Katie, I have been so humbled and blessed by Hallie and your family's sharing of this amazing journey. My heart aches with you at this time but it is also filled with hope because Chris and you have put it there. Love Ossie

Amy said...

I am so sorry for your loss, but am so thankful for the blessing that Hallie has been to so many. I have been so moved by your story and have been praying for you all and will continue to do so.

Kate said...

May God be with you and your family. I know this is a heartbreaking and confusing time, but I am so thankful that you were able to know your daughter. You will be able to embrace her again one day!

You may find comfort in "The Brave Little Soul" story by John Alessi. (You can google it). It's absolutely beautiful and is such a reminder of God's special relationship with all he creates, and how Hallie was a special soul with a beautiful purpose.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need to speak with someone who went through something similar, if you need to vent, or even if you just want to talk about how amazing Hallie was and is. My daughter Lucy was born with Trisomy 13 in July and lived less than 6 days. I'm here for you and certainly praying for your family during these dark days ahead...

Kate White

Fran said...


nLk said...

continued prayers for your family as you celebrate hallie's sweet little life. i've loved following your journey and seeing your faithfulness beyond what i can imagine. i love the line and the thought "she knew nothing but love". yall have been on my mind daily lately and will continue to be.

Bartling Family said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter, your Christmas angel, with us. Hallie has touched so many people and shown us the true meaning of God's love. What an amazing impact she has had! I picture Hallie in Jesus's arms this Christmas just like she was in Santa's! We pray that God will bring you peace and comfort.

~ Sabina :-) said...

i've been following your blog for days, never knowing what to say or how to encourage you, but always praying for you. oh, how i pray for you and cry with you. hallie has drawn me closer to God, and for that I am so thankful for her little life.

today i was sent a video that I hope will be a blessing to you. it's 10 minutes, but it's so worth it. My prayers are with you and for you.

Graham Cook: The Nature of God, Part 1

Sabina Mazac

Sarah said...

Sweet Green Family, tonight I just simply pray that God will quiet your minds and tears for a moment and give your bodies rest and sleep that I know you must desperately need. I pray for your days ahead. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

absent from the body, present with the Lord.
we praise you Lord.

LIsa Cochran said...

To the entire Green family -

We are so very sorry for your loss. Nothing - nothing - can prepare you for this. You honored our Lord so beautifully in the way that you loved and cared for your precious daughter in her short life. You have also touched so many lives yourselves - of course as Hallie did. Many, many hearts are forever changed because of your daughter and your devotion to her and how you decided to allow her to be our Lord's faithful servant during her days on earth by sharing her story.

God bless each of you. May you find peace that passes all understanding though our Savior in the days, months and years to come as you remember and cherish the moments you had with your precious Hallie. You will continue to be in our prayers.

Merry Christmas and God bless -

Lisa and Brett Cochran

Shauna Taylor Corsaro said...

Dear Green Family,
My heartaches for you and I could not help but to break in to tears and hold my son as I read your story.
I cannot recall a first day of school when you and Brian were not standing at the bus stop with me. I have enjoyed watching you grow into an amazing man, husband and father. After reading such a heartbreaking story and seeing how bravely you took on this battle, I am even more proud to know you. There are not words that can express my sympathy for you and your family. Your faith and strength is inspiring. Hallie was so lucky to be born into such a wonderful family. The love and kindness she experienced in just a few short days, is more than some feel in a lifetime. She was truly blessed to have been placed in your lives. I wish you peace and love this holiday season.
Shauna Taylor Corsaro

*Butler, Party of 4* said...

Green Family,
Your faith so unwaivering and your walks so inspiring. I appreciate that you were so real with us all about your feelings and emotions during this time. He is made perfect in our weakness, and what a testimony you shared by showing where you found strength.

Thank you for allowing us all to be a part of sweet Miss Hallie's journey. I know lives were changed from getting to witness her miracle.

What a precious little blessing she was and will always be.

My whole family and church family has been lifting you all up in prayer. I'm sure you can feel everyone's love and prayers wrapping around you right now, and that's exactly the kind of comfort and peace we've been praying for you all. One that only HE can give.

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit."
-Psalm 34:18

"The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, 'The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!'

The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the LORD.

For the Lord does not abandon anyone forever. Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion according to the greatness of his unfailing love."
-Lamentations 3:22-26; 31-32

Judy said...

Katie, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Hallie. I know, as a bereaved mom myself, that there are no words that are adequate at this time. Although we've never met, please know that you and your family are in my prayers tonight.


Judy, mom to Josh, Eli and ^i^ Kerry

Gayle Himmelwright said...

I have been following your story through the LWT13 yahoo group, and I was so heartbroken for you when I read that sweet little Hallie had gone to be with Jesus. I'm so glad that you were able to spend these precious days with her, but I know it has been much too short. We rejoice that the Lord has conquered death, and the in the end we will be with our children again, in the blink of an eye, really, but we miss them so badly here on earth. It's so very difficult for us, but what a reward it is for our children to have that much more time with their Savior. I will be praying for comfort for you and your family.
Gayle (mom to Josiah on LWT13)

Unknown said...

Your blog was referred from a friend on Facebook this afternoon. As I haven't had the chance to read you entire blog, I have read the last few post written. What a wonderful tribute to a life of such beautiful little girl named Hallie. As my heart does break for each of you, it rejoices in such an amazing life of your precious daughter. Your story is something g any of us as future mothers could endure. I would like to believe Hallie has a larger purpose in her short lived life, than most people do or will in their entire lives. God bless Hallie and God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I read your story that was posted on my friends wall. I first want to say that I am very sorry for your loss! Second, I want to say thank you for sharing your story and a part of your life with so many. May God bless you and be with you during these difficult days. You were all blessed to be touched by Gods Angel.

#1SAHM said...

My thoughts & prayers go out to you and your family

Amber said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our baby girl, Ruby this past November 18th to trisomy 21 and a broken heart...I understand your pain and your loss and I cry for you tonight. Hallie was beautiful, and its amazing the amount of love that these special babies come to earth with! I too was so grateful for every minute we were blessed with our little girl. Please know you are not alone in your grieving! If you need a friend to talk to you can facebook friend me- Amber Gosnell, or you can check out our journey with Ruby @ Rubygosnell
My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!! Your blog has inspired me!
Amber Gosnell

Mrs.K loves pink and green said...

May God send His angels to put their arms around you all to comfort you.Praying and praising HIM in all circumstances...Hugs to everyone.

Ashley Camp said...

In my thoughts and prayers. You and your family were not far from my mind ever since I first read your story a few weeks ago

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