Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Pictures from hospital

I can't believe it's taken me so long to get more pictures up of Farrah. Actually, I can believe it.

Farrah is as beautiful as she is sweet and soooo cuddly!! Bella continues to be sweet to her; and soft. She does say "put baby down" when she wants me to play sometimes but otherwise has handled the change well.

Here are some cute pictures from the hospital:

Nana and GDaddy:


Official Weight:

Fuzzy head of hair:

Sweet Feet:

Love these pictures:


Lacey said...

She is absolutely wonderful you guys! Congratulations!

Jill said...

She is gorgeous! Beautiful pictures! And Katie, you look way too good...I looked like something out of a horror movie. =) Can't wait for our girls to meet one day! They'll be buddies in Waumba Land - so fun!

The Harner's said...

These brought a smile to my face! Especially the last set! She is going to be just as funny and adorable as Bella! :)

whittakerwoman said...

She is a beautiful baby. Wow! H