Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fun videos

Bella is learning some great songs at school for the Christmas Program. I know she's my kid, but I swear she can't get much more adorable :)


Tara said...

So cute. We're starting into this same phase and I LOVE IT.

Nana Julie said...

Love it! Thank you for the smile this morning. Give her a kiss for me.

Scott and Katie said...

How precious! Rileigh mixes her songs up cute

Jill said...

Oh just stop it. There is NOTHING cuter than little ones singing!! Lindy and I have a goal of making it to the weekday program next week. OK, well, it's more my goal than Lindy's...she'll do whatever, let's just see if I can get it together. =)

"GG" said...

Oh my goodness...those videos brought such a smile to my face...I miss you all so much!!! Cannot wait to come home and see everyone! Bella's a hit in the Charlotte office!!! Love ya!!!