Saturday, July 10, 2010

Father's Day Weekend


Father's Day weekend, also my father-in-law's (AKA Steve-o, Poppy) and Grandmother's birthday weekend, we spent with lots of family!

Saturday morning Poppy and Chris finished building the big sandbox for the girls. Bella loves it! I know Farrah will enjoy it one day, too.


Then -- My brother Ryan just closed on a house last month in a fun neighborhood! They have concerts on Saturday nights in the summer, so we went for "country night" this particular weekend. He and Melissa are going to enjoy this community so much!

Bella loved running in the open grass. We enjoyed the entertainment and doing something different - even in the sweltering heat. It was a great night!! We pushed Farrah's bedtime out a bit, and paid for that on the ride home. But it was worth it :)
My Dad (G-Daddy) and Bella:
My Granddad and Mom
Ryan and Farrah
It was so hot, we were down to a diaper by the end of the night!
I am so thankful for all the dad's in our life. A dad plays such a huge role in a girl's life and how she views the Lord. So I am thankful that I married a man who will do his best at raising our Bella and Farrah with grace, a whole lot of love, while showing them how to serve others and love their mom like no other :)

1 comment:

"GG" said...

I am most thankful for you, Katie! For your God inspired thoughts and feelings and most of all for being the perfect wife for my son and the perfect mother for my granddaughters! May God continue to inspire you as you go down the path He has chosen for the little green family!!! Love you so much!!!